We connect with God and each other by worshiping corporately together in ROWS.

Our worship services are designed to inspire and challenge us through singing, preaching, and liturgy, as well as celebrating baptism and the Lord’s supper. They connect us to each other and to the “great cloud of witnesses” who have come before us throughout church history.

Corporate worship also provides an opportunity to connect through serving in various capacities & environments.

We study scripture and connect to each other in deeper ways in bible study CIRCLES.

Our Community Groups are designed to help us learn more about scripture and our faith, connect with others on the journey, and work together to serve our communities.

Community Groups are home-based bible study groups that meet regularly to share a meal, grow spiritually, pray together, and serve their community. They help people pursue connection with each other, service in our community and discipleship to God.

We grow deeper in discipleship when we share a TABLE with a spiritual mentor.

Our spiritual mentoring program lets us regularly share coffee or a meal with someone to guide us, providing the best opportunity to be shepherded in our personal spiritual growth.

Tables is a once a week commitment that alternates between reading or watching teaching and meeting to discuss that teaching. Click below to be mentored by someone else or become a mentor yourself!